Doesn't our body cleanse naturally?
Yes, of course we do. Our bodies cleanse, detoxify and heal imbalances all day long. It is our human
design. But our modern lifestyles overload these built-in corrective processes. Restaurant dining, take-
out food, late-night meals and drinks stress our natural cleansing systems. Add to that our consumption
of caffeine and medications in an environment filled with dirty air, impure water and invisible chemicals,
and it is clear we’re making more demands of our bodies’ detoxification and healing systems than they
can handle. They may get by day-to-day, but they don’t flourish. Over time, toxins build up in the body
and the results can be small imbalances like aches, allergies, poor digestion and weight gain, or even an
ongoing sense of fatigue.
Who should cleanse?
We believe everyone–from health nuts to party animals-is a candidate for cleansing because we are all affected by toxins in the air, water, food and environment. We are all fatigued by stress and the pace of life to some degree. Note: Certain people shouldn’t cleanse. Pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers can add cold-pressed juices to a balanced, whole-food diet to enjoy extra nutrition and energy, but should never restrict solid food intake. If you are diabetic, we recommend that you cleanse under the supervision of an experienced healthcare practitioner. If you are being treated for, or have just recovered from a serious illness, or if you are taking prescription medication for heart disease, check with your doctor before beginning a juice cleanse. Cleansing can alter the concentration of medication in the blood. Children under the age of 18 should not cleanse.
Is doing a juice cleanse difficult?
A juice cleanse of any kind requires commitment. But the Juiced Up cleanse is a nutritional cleanse, not a starvation fast. It has been expertly designed to feed your cells with delicious, low-calorie juices in order to create the best conditions for inner cleansing. Nutritional cleanses are functional, supportive detox programs that can be undertaken on your normal schedule. They’re more moderate than faddish lemon-and-water fasts. Such extreme fasting programs are at best, uncomfortable, and at worst, dangerous.
How often do I need to do a Cleanse?
Signing up once doesn’t sign you up for life. Try a our cleanse program, and then take it at your own pace. Some people cleanse once a year, some do it every six months and some do it once a season or even once a month. The benefit of eliminating stimulants and heavy foods is that you start to sense what your own body needs. Most people prefer to cleanse periodically throughout the year.
How long should I cleanse?
This depends on what your needs are right now.
Is there anyone who should not cleanse?
Yes. The following people should not cleanse: New or expectant mothers, patients being treated with a serious illness, cardiac patients on prescription medication, diabetics, and children under 18. Please consult your doctor if you are on any medication that might be affected by a reduced diet.
When can I start my cleanse?
At checkout, you can select your preferred time of delivery when you place your order. FedEx will deliver your coolers Tuesday through Friday for national deliveries. Visit our shipping page to learn more about national and local deliveries, as well as local pick up.
How many deliveries/pickups will the juice cleanse involve?
There is only one pickup or delivery involved unless you order a 5+ day cleanse. 5+ day cleanses involve 2 pickups or deliveries.
How long do the juices keep?
Our juices are never high pressure pasteurized, they have a shelf life of 5 days.
Must I drink all six juices each day?
We recommend it. There is a method behind our menu, so we encourage you to enjoy all six each day. You will not speed your cleanse by skipping drinks.
Can I switch the order I drink the juices?
We urge you to follow the plan we’ve created to help you achieve maximum results. It’s not the end of the world if you switch things around, but please start each day with the green juice for optimal nutrient absorption.
What if I get hungry?
Feeling hungry is a normal part of adjusting to a cleanse, and some people experience it more than others. Here are our tips for coping with it:
- Consume your juices slowly and conscientiously. Think of each juice as a meal, not a drink.
- Take a moment to sit with hunger instead of reacting to it. Drink a glass of water slowly. See if you can accept having an empty feeling rather than one of fullness.
- Do what it takes to commit to this process. Writing about it, doing your Cleanse with a buddy, or pledging your goals to friends and family can be surprisingly helpful.
How am I going to feel on my cleanse?
Not everyone responds to a juice cleanse in the same way. Our cleanses are designed to minimize the negative effects that can accompany the removal of accumulated toxins, such as body odor, skin eruptions, and bad breath.
Cleansing can trigger a noticeable shift and even some symptoms. It’s not uncommon to have headaches from caffeine withdrawal or hunger and to feel a bit irritated. On a longer cleanse, you may feel something akin to cold or flu symptoms, but it will pass. All these may be more pronounced if you typically eat a diet high in processed foods. If any of these symptoms appear, take it easy, let your body do its work, and try to avoid taking chemical medication.
Will I lose weight during the cleanse?
Juice cleanses are designed to give your body the nutrients it needs. The goal is not extreme weight loss in a short period, nor would that be considered healthy. With this cleanse it will help you make healthy lifestyle changes that support weight loss.
What if I fall off the wagon and eat food during my Cleanse?
Try your very best to avoid this, as you will slow down your progress—but don’t give up if it happens. Get back on, continue your juice cleanse, and be patient with yourself. It will be worth it!